[ BOOK LIVES ] Unguided Tour by Sylvia Plachy

Unguided Tour by Sylvia Plachy
Unguided Tour
by Sylvia Plachy
with a music CD by Tom Waits
ISBN 0-89381-393-1

This is one of the first books that blew my mind and changed my perspective of what makes a good photograph. It also introduced me to the Village Voice.

I think Plachy, more than Henri Cartier-Bresson, taught me about printing everything with the beautiful black borders – another reason why I prefer film and traditional printing.

Unguided Tour by Sylvia Plachy
Unguided Tour by Sylvia Plachy
Unguided Tour by Sylvia Plachy
Unguided Tour by Sylvia Plachy
Unguided Tour by Sylvia Plachy
Unguided Tour by Sylvia Plachy