[ BOOK LIVES ] Minamata by W. Eugene Smith

Minamata by W. Eugene Smith
by W. Eugene Smith
Alskog-Sensorium/Holt, Rinehart and Winston
ISBN 0-03-013631-8

Minamata by W. Eugene Smith was a very instrumental book in my growth as a photographer.

Needless to say, I am not the only one mesmerised by the images, the writing, but more importantly, what the whole project represents.

Smith had spent many years in this mercury-polluted town in Japan to document the atrocities of environmental irresponsibility.

Given that this work was done more than four decades ago, it is safe to say that Smith was a true visionary who spotted a problem well before it became a global issue today.

Though Smith’s methodology – of being involved with the subjects and being not objective – was not always condoned by his peers, Minamata has long been a guiding light for many aspiring documentary photographers.

Minamata by W. Eugene Smith
Minamata by W. Eugene Smith
Minamata by W. Eugene Smith
Minamata by W. Eugene Smith
Minamata by W. Eugene Smith
Minamata by W. Eugene Smith
Minamata by W. Eugene Smith